Darstellende Kunst Performance
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Zur Vorbereitung der abendlichen Performance treffen Aschwanden / Eichhorn eine kleinere Gruppe geladener Gäste um experimentelle Anwendungen einer performativen Vermessungsarbeit kollektiv zu praktizieren. Zeichnen wird dabei zu einem choreograpischen Akt und zum Ausgangspunkt für weitere Bewegungen; umgekehrt werden freie Bewegungen das Zeichnen inspirieren.
Im Rahmen von LSD (Let‘s Share Dances) öffnet die Performance um 20h den Erfahrungsraum dem Publikum. Interessierte tauschen Position mit den Performern.
Konzept: Daniel Aschwanden & Barbara Eichhorn
Klanginstallation: Mat Hurtl
nadaLokal invites people to share their dances, movement ideas and choreographic scores with the interested community. L. S. D. is not about training and not about leisure, but considers dance as a way of expanding consciousness. Like writers of the Fin de siècle used to share their works in Viennese cafés, artists can share their dances at the nadaLokal. Dance as a common experience, free of charge and nourished by all participants. Let’s Share Dances!
nadaLokal provides the studio at Reindorfgasse and takes over the organization of the dance sessions. L. S. D. will take place two to five days before the monthly events, two or three hours per day. If you want to share a traditional, forgotten, contemporary, futuristic, animal or alien dance and/or want to try out a new dance, don’t hesitate to contact us at