Challenges of Urban Transformation

Urbanismus Architektur Präsentation
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1 Termin im Archiv
Dienstag 21. Jänner 2014
21. Jän. 2014
Challenges of Urban Transformation

A European dialogue

Book Launch
Public space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe
Ali Madanipour, Sabine Knierbein & Aglaée Degros (eds.)

Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe investigates, through case studies from 13 European cities, how European city authorities understand and deal with their public spaces, how this interacts with market forces, social norms and cultural expectations, whether and how this relates to the needs and experiences of their citizens, exploring new strategies and innovative practices for strengthening public spaces and urban culture. It is published by Routledge in 2014, edited by two former City of Vienna visiting professors and the head of SKuOR.
Moderation: Sabine Knierbein (Vienna UT)

In cooperation with:
+++ Launch of Dérive - Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, vol.54 ‘Public space. Resilience and rhythm’ +++

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