“The music makes the point hit home. Without it, I would’ve been like, “this is some crazy ubllisht”. Now I’m all like, “obviously!”.”
“the goverment r years n years ahead of us, wether it b techno1ogy, top secret information or anythin e1se… know1edge is power. u need 2 1earn about ur enemy cus hes sure 1earning about u. ne1 who doubts 1ook up fema camps. obama making concentration camps 1ike hit1er did.. n there not there for show… he p1ans on puttin peop1e in there who wi11 not give up there guns wen the po1ice state takes over.. p1ease dont sneer or doubt reasearch it…………. ur eyes wi11 b opened. b1essings a11.”
“This is amazing and almost unbelievable!”
“MUST SEE!!!!1!!11”
aus der serie: related videos, kuratiert von der abteilung dreiundzwanzig des archiv f. gegenwart.