Eröffnungen Mario Mauroner contemporary art

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bis Samstag 19. Juli
16. Mai 2014 -
Sa 19. Juli 2014
Eröffnungen Mario Mauroner contemporary art

A Ilha Dos Amores
Vasconcelos creates objects that on one hand want to democratize art through articles of daily use and on the other hand criticize the consumer himself. Crochet in her works is a symbol of universal language, the women’s language. She demonstrates an antagonism between handcrafts produced in different cultures and consumer goods of modern society.

Against the Day
Manfred Erjautz gilt als eine der profiliertesten und vielseitigsten österreichischen Gegenwartskünstler seiner Generation. Erjautz arbeitet in den Bereichen Plastik, Installation, Grafik und Fotografie und beschäftigt sich auch intensiv mit dem öffentlichen Raum.

Vienna_roomnumberOne: Body of the Line
Drawing usually remains an intermediate medium. It serves to focus towards a multi-dimensional orientation.
As a basis for the technical and formal quality of an object it often remains in this subservient preliminary stage. While it happens that the purpose of the drawing is satisfied in the sketch with austere gestures, the depth of the drawing process can at other times gain the upper hand.
Overwhelmed by the sensuality of the matter, this detail becomes a thrilling experience, an overflowing, all-engrossing topic.
Formerly, the fingers guided the line, now the line moves the hand. The naïve paper and unconcerned line become an expression of a dependency and receive, in return, a material self through the artistic styling.
Thus, Darina Kmetova´s room installations are less a purely artistic act, but rather the result of an intense relationship.
Stanislaus Medan

Vienna_Basement: Reliefs
Works by Alfred Haberpointner

Vienna: Plastique C´est Chic / Bijoux Éternels
Works by Daniel von Weinberger

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