Metaday #66: Angus Gratton - Hacking Down Under

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Freitag 2. Mai 2014
2. Mai 2014
Metaday #66: Angus Gratton - Hacking Down Under

The Metalab is glad to invite everyone interested to Metaday #66

on Friday, May 2 2014, 19:30 (20:00)
at Metalab, Rathausstraße 6,
downtown Vienna close to the city hall – free entry

== Hacking Down Under ==

// The Hackerspace Movement in Australia

Lecturer: Angus Gratton

Hackerspaces have sprung up all over the world in the past decade,
including on the other side of it!

Angus Gratton is an embedded systems engineer and onetime hackerspace co-founder who
lives in Melbourne, Australia. He will give an introduction to the Hackerspace and
Makerspace scene in that faraway land. Expect blinking LEDs, robots, autonomous
planes, and some discussion of cultural and political differences and local quirks.
Even possibly a Nyan-O-Rail!

== Lightning Talks ==

Lightning Talks are a entertaining format of short lectures presenting current
ideas, ongoing projects and particularly work-in-progress. The length of a talk
is strictly limited to 5 minutes. You’re invited to add your talk yourself.

== Afterparty ==

Buffet, wine and ambient/downtempo chillout music

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