Pavlos Tsakonas, Sofia Touboura

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1 Termin im Archiv
bis Samstag 12. Juli
26. Juni 2014 -
Sa 12. Juli 2014
Pavlos Tsakonas, Sofia Touboura


Pav­los Tsa­ko­nas pres­ents a se­ries of works that en­ga­ges and com­po­ses forms and con­cepts ori­gi­na­ting from ur­ban, in­dus­tri­al de­sign, de­co­ra­ti­on and ar­chi­tec­tu­re, with ab­stract, fic­tio­nal, fu­tu­ris­tic and ro­man­tic aes­t­he­tics. Two pain­ting com­po­si­ti­ons are being de­ve­l­o­ped, in which bold, full spec­trum co­lors and sharp geo­metri­cal shapes, ar­che­typal ele­ments like ar­ches and co­lumns, cu­bes, rhom­bus and py­ra­mids are laid on top of one ano­ther to build up a struc­tu­red sur­face such as a brick wall. An ar­ran­ge­ment of va­rious di­men­si­ons can­va­ses, com­pri­ses com­plex pat­terns of bas-re­li­ef like shapes al­ter­na­ting on lengths and heights at va­rious off­sets in a way that a ran­dom pris­ma­tic pat­tern ap­pears. Whi­le the in­stal­la­ti­on ex­ami­nes mat­ters of art in re­la­ti­on with ever­y­day life and aims to re­se­arch and ex­pe­ri­ment with co­lor to­nes, shapes and ma­the­ma­ti­cal pro­por­ti­ons, in a par­al­lel man­ner it’s sub­ject re­fers to su­perna­tu­ral or pa­ra­nor­mal pro­per­ties of ob­jects, shapes, co­lors, as well as their ef­fects on their en­vi­ron­ment and sets is­su­es bey­ond usa­bi­li­ty, high­light­ing the ka­lei­do­sco­pic na­tu­re of hu­man crea­ti­vi­ty.

A re­fe­rence to the quan­tum me­cha­nics non lo­ca­li­ty prin­ciple, which de­scri­bes the ap­pa­rent abili­ty of par­ti­cles that once in­ter­ac­ted in the past, to in­stan­ta­neous­ly know about each other’s sta­te, even when se­pa­ra­ted by lar­ge dis­tan­ces. Gi­ven the big bang theo­ry, all par­ti­cles have once in­ter­ac­ted in the past as ori­gi­na­ting from one sin­ge atom, thus are awa­re of each other sta­te. A both aes­t­he­ti­cal and con­cep­tu­al bond is brin­ging into a so­lid art­work the at first glan­ce ir­re­le­vant pic­tu­res, ma­te­ri­als, mea­nings, shapes and co­lors. The tra­di­tio­nal­ly con­tra­dic­tio­nal di­po­les of ci­vi­liza­t­i­on and na­tu­re, eart­hen (as fa­mi­li­ar) and ali­en, are being “re­sol­ved”, soo­thed in a li­be­ra­ting mer­ging or har­mo­nic co-exis­tence: Sculp­tu­res in eart­hen, sub­ma­ri­ne and ex­tra­ter­restri­al forms, made out of ear­thy and high tech ma­te­ri­als, di­gi­tal pho­to­gra­phy com­bi­ned through di­gi­tal col­la­ge and co­lor pro­ces­si­on with mo­ti­ves that ori­gi­na­te from the ar­tist­s’ art works, pain­tings il­lus­tra­ting wa­te­ry ar­che­ty­pi­cal en­vi­ron­ments using in­dus­tri­al co­lors.

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