Ask questions to passionate experts on art, history and science on September 17th 2014. Send questions to @MarDixon
When is Ask a Curator?
It’s an all day event on September 17th
What is Ask a Curator?
It’s a way to talk to curators and people who work in cultural venues you normally don’t have access to. #Askacurator is open to everyone: Museums, galleries, National Trust, Theatres, and more. You can ask anything that you’re curious about or want more information on.
What’s it’ like to be a curator?
How do you decide what to display?
What is the most unique object in your collection?
As some curators won’t know *all* the answers straight away, it might be they have to get back to you if it is a specific question about the museum/gallery. However, if it is a general question, you might find another museum’s curator could answer it.
How to get involved?
Use the hashtag #AskaCurator on Twitter. You can ask questions to specific museums using the @MUSEUMNAME or you can ask general questions using #AskaCurator.