issue #26 Loraine contains contributions by Jochen Lempert, Franziska Holstein, Jeff Derksen, Benjamin Kaufmann and Ulla Rossek, Libidiunga Cardoso, Adriana Lara, Matti Braun, Katharina Heistinger and Werner Schroedl, Walking Distance (Nis Rømer & Pia Rönicke), Natalie Häusler, Christian Egger and Ariane Müller
For the event of the Vienna Release we are very happy to also host a special video screening by Los Angeles based artist Mariah Garnett starting at 9.00 pm
Later, in the basement DJs and possible dancing.
Mariah Garnett mixes documentary, narrative and experimental filmmaking practices to make work that accesses existing people and communities beyond her immediate experience. Using source material that ranges from found text to iconic gay porn stars, Garnett often inserts herself into the films, creating cinematic allegories that codify and locate identity.
Garnett holds an MFA from Calarts in Film/Video and a BA from Brown University in American Civilization. Her work has been screened internationally including the following venues: REDCAT, White Columns, SF MoMA, Venice Biennial (Swiss Offsite Pavillion), Rencontres Internationales (Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Beirut), Midway Contemporary Art (Minneapolis), Ann Arbor Film Festival (Hamburg).
In 2014 she was in residence at The Headlands Center for the Arts in Marin, and Made in LA, the Hammer Museum’s biennial exhibition. The LA Times called her piece “Best in Show.” 2012 she took part in a 2 person show Common Era at ltd los angeles. In 2011 she had a solo show at Human Resources Gallery in Los Angeles titled “Encounters I May or May Not Have Had With Peter Berlin”.
Chicago, Times, Plotter, Helvetica, DIN, Techno, Löhfelm, RR_02, Univers, Tiffany, Circuit, Memphis, Gringo, Zeus, The Mix, Princess Lulu, Pigiarniq, Paper, Libertine, Trixie, Déjà Vu, Auto, Rediviva, Acid, Wanda, Loraine