Get ready, get lost
Musik Klangkunst Konzert Musikperformance
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IT’S OVER? Don’t worry. Yesterday’s news is tomorrow’s fish-and-chip paper, anyway. That’s why Totally Wired Rockets soar joyfully upwards to prick prior days’ bubble - rip it all up and start again is the name of the game!
REASSEMBLE! As your personal escort between yesteryear’s hangovers and all tomorrow’s parties, MASTERS of CEREMONY Ana Threat, Bruch, Clemens Denk, GRAN, Anna Pü, Dino Spiluttini & a bunch of illustrious guests join forces to conjure a razor-sharp VAUDEVILLE Viennese!
Get ready and get lost in a NEW YEARS EVE EXTRAVAGANZA - starring the evergreens of:
Ana Threat, Bruch, Dazed Pilots, Dot Dash, Drunken Draculas, Gran, Kristy and the Kraks, Clemens Denk, Rigor Mortis, Boys Beach, The Dictaphone, Crystal Soda Cream, Krafftmalerei and I/II.
DJ Al Bird Sputnik manning the wheels of steel.
AK 7.-