Opening 27.01.2015, 19h
28.01.2015 – 14.02.2015, 10h – 15h
Concert Night 30.01.2015, 19h
Performances by:
Aernoudt Jacobs
Yunchul Kim
DJ Soulglo
The relationship between the human and non-human is currently under intense discussion. The view that the world is subject to human exploitation and control was dominant for many centuries. But the idea of natural resources being abundant as well as the idea of a stable material world that is under human control and enduring the forces of nature are dated and problematic. As a consequence, matter is increasingly perceived as embedded in life processes and rich meshworks of relations (cultural, social, chemical, physical, etc.). From these surrounding factors and exchanges it draws its properties, potentials and meanings.
In the light of this expanded perspective on matter, the research project LIQUID THINGS investigates creative processes that go beyond the use of „finished“ and pre-fabricated materials. These „finished“ materials only represent a small choice of possibilities in comparison to the material continuum that the world consists of. The continuum’s full spectrum contains many more impurities, mixtures, combinations and singularities than can ever be captured in an abstract philosophical notion of matter or any physical/chemical categorization. All the special cases and exceptions – which are rather the rule – are meeting points for encounters with the continuum’s plurality and extensive complexity. The exhibition KONTINUUM presents some particular processes of materialization and shows how five artists have dealt with matter’s dynamics, recalcitrances and activities.