Bildende Kunst Performance Eröffnung
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…..mARTinaprosinger….. vienna/newyorkbased artist, shows digital & smallwall ARTwork which is result of her past artistinresidence-projects.
“All-rightsRESEved….” is a work in progress-show and consits of framed and unframed artwork …. in which movements of “emotions vs ratio” are tried to be figured out.
figured out: figura = statue = sculpure = shape = colour = line = Dimension
mediums and focus on ARTwork: mixed media: video, digitals, paintings and “personal speach”, emotion vs ratio - human being = performance
mARTinaprosinger calles herself an “newMEdia” and “Pop up” Artist. In 2o14 she “went” away from classic paintings and went to digital/mixedmedia ARTwork and from canvas to “Body”. Now she is an “iNbetween medIa ARTist” which means between Performance and non Performance between digitals and non-digitals.
But see more personally on
3 - 10 pm
@ Studio ….mARTinaprosinger…..
haberlg. 15/23 116o vienna
gallery owner only