Moe Contemporary: Alexander Felch - Contemporary/Extended (2005-2015)

Bildende Kunst Eröffnung Screening
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Dienstag 2. Juni 2015
2. Juni 2015
Moe Contemporary: Alexander Felch - Contemporary/Extended (2005-2015)

Aus Anlass meines 10 jährigen “Bestehens” als bildender Künstler und zum Ende meiner zweiten Saison als künstlerischer Leiter des mo.e:
Zeit für eine Retrospektive!

Alexander Felch - Contemporary/Extended (2005-2015)
Von Audio bis Video, von Mahnmal bis Musical, von Contemporary bis Extended

Vernissage: Di., 2.6.2015, 19h
Zur Eröffnung spricht: niemand, aber alle unterhalten sich dafür umso besser…

20.15h Screening:
“Introducing The Karl - Identitätsmusical mit migrantischen Hintergründen”, c-vid, 40min, HD
(Premiere/Derniere: 12.6.2008, Prospekthof/Semperdepot)

danach: DJ Playlist
Ausstellungsdauer: 2.-­ 7.6. 2015

Ort: mo.e vienna – ehemalige k&k Orden­ und Medaillenmanufaktur Mandelbaum
Thelemangasse 4, 1170 Wien­


An excellent example of modernity is the russian restaurant ?Teremok.? ?Modern Russian Cuisine,? as they call it. There they make pancakes in the modern style and at the same time in the way that pancakes have always been made. Eternal pancakes.

Pancakes, in this sense, have something in common with art. If we return to the source of ?Contemporary,? we might say that everything began back in 2007 with a mirror. That mirror lived in a courtyard on Ulitsa Marata in Saint Petersburg; in front of it lived bums. On its crooked surface someone had engraved the word ?CONTEMPORARY.? Later I moved the mirror to the Dirty Gallery, where it began to reflect modernity and the art of modernity. No questions were asked, everyone understood that the mirror reflected all of that ephemerality and authenticity that exists in reality. The most authentic ?Contemporary.?

Traveling to Kronstadt 3 years later, I observed how Mikhael Crest piled up contemporary art into a big heap. When he proposed that I name the heap, I, of course, immediately answered that it should be called ?Contemporary,? thus logically continuing the story with the mirror.

The heap ?Contemporary? is the peak of modernity in art. Contemporaneity simply cannot be more contemporary than a heap. ?It is impossible not to agree with this heap,? says Mikhael Crest. Now, having named the heap ?Contemporary,? we no longer refer to contemporary art as such. Only art remains – pure, in a certain sense, and simply authentic art. There is no reason to strive for
modernity in art – art created in the present is by its very nature contemporary.

All the works shown in this exhibition are proposals, not givens and not obligations. In my opinion, this is how art should be. Made for people. Who else could it be for? For people – just like pancakes.


AKF, St. Petersburg/Vienna, 2010/2015

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