Darstellende Kunst Tanz Performance
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Aparición is a choreographic project that Alma Quintana has researched since 2012. By setting different frameworks, Alma has been able to explore various presentation devices to widely approach the different concepts that have put into-motion the project. A starting point was to reflect on the notion of body, therefore the core practice has triggered a ‘body-action’ by exploring the process and effort of recovering/remembering what just happened, while it is happening (while a body is moving or is being moved). Aparición plays with the visible and non-visible that takes place on experience, it opens the question: what is it that moves?
Along 3 years the project has two scenic versions or performances, an installation, an exhibition and a publication that will be finished by the end of this year.
The short residency at Nadalokal will focus on a duet adapted performance version in collaboration with Amanda Piña that will be accompanied with an installation by Lutz Baumman.
“Proyect funded by Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes”
Concept and choreography: Alma Quintana*
Performance: Alma Quintana and Amanda Piña
Installation and visual presentation: Lutz Baumann
thanks to : fonca conaculta