TWR023 Releaseparty
Musik Klangkunst Party
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Am 3. Juni feiern wir die Veröffentlichung unseres nunmehr 4. Label Samplers - diesmal mit Beiträgen von 16 Acts rund um Totally Wired Records:
I/II, Ana Threat, Bruch, Clemens Band Denk, Clemens Jürgens, Crystal Soda Cream, Dazed Pilots, The Dictaphone, Dot Dash, Gran, Kristy And The Kraks, Lime Crush, Mitra Mitra, Rabe, Rigor Mortis, Swan Fangs.
L I V E :
ANA THREAT “Songo Sabbath”
D J s :
Dee Rüsche (Nöi Kabát)
Totally Wired DJ Tagada.
Eintritt: 5.- inkl. TWR023 Label Compilation CD for free.
Ana Threat has been known as a wielder of guitars and hip-controlled theremins. For this special occassion, she leaves her usual gear behind, and takes the throne behind the drum kit to teach you a lesson in witchcraft and songo.
“Behutsam hassen, poetisch verräuden und rumpelnd implodieren.” (F. Ostermayer) Clemens Band Denk are back on the march! All knee-jerk reactions and spur of the moment decisions, they are wending their ways, utterly serpentine.