Bildende Kunst Gruppenausstellung Performance
We can't find the internet
Attempting to reconnect
Verbindung zu
?In sensory experience, there unfolds both the becoming of the subject & the happening of the world. I become insofar as something happens, & something happens (for me) only insofar as I become. The now of sensing belongs neither to objectivity nor to subjectivity alone, but necessarily to both together.?
The periphery of living in a culturally mixed world where we are socially inept to relent in selecting differences or rejecting alienation is often bound by the banalities of life. As such, living together in a dogmatic environment where everyone has to quickly learn and be tolerant with each other?s idiosyncrasies – diversity, cultures, linguistics, ethnical backgrounds and social behaviours – often makes us feel trapped in a big old city. However so, art could be the only non-bias medium that undefined this spectrum of banality. The ephemeral essence of the being blind metaphorically resonates with the significance of an urbanite?s reacting ?affects? in a physical conversation to art. Hence, in this rotating exhibition, as differences in perspective affect the representation and understanding of what is viewed, so to look at visual culture ?through? sensory experience sheds new light on the much discussed issue of art becomes sensory.
Being Blind in autonomous space is to perceive the representation of a curatorial intervention with the sensory soliloquy placed in association of one?s unconscious awareness of our four senses to ?see? art in darkness. In this revolving exhibition titled ?Blind? inspired by Erving Goffman?s psychological essentialism and Gilles Deleuze?s affect and activity, represents the sordid fascination of today?s urbanism shattered by visual culture and argues for reformulation of feeling art in everyday living spaces.
The relational intersection is investigating the psychoanalysis of social pervasiveness and the polysemy of transparency between the inter-performativity from the Artists? collaborative point of view and of the audience?s encounters. The experimental (Freud 1979) reality testing is to develop anti-visual literacy through the critical analysis in which embraces the prospect of alternative artistic practices without the distinctions or limitations of a particular medium (i.e. Sound, smell, touch, feel, taste, space, narration, performance).
Every session is a different experience with an individual, and in each discourse it aptly reveals a plethora of physiognomic details and psychical abbreviations presupposed an alternative super ego and syncretism between the audience and the artworks. This absence of the visual arts could actively be integrated into statements that are categorised with the realistic and factual. It was as if role-playing, taking turns to test each other?s inference and unconscious dispositions, to obtain an ?objective truth?. There is a symbiosis manifestation in the dark, a kind of attuned connection and (Massumi 2002) ?intensity embodied in pure autonomic reactions – at the surface of the body, at its interface with things.?
Erase the visual stigma and stop being blind.
Written & curated by Ho Leng
Artists /
Ina Ima (
?the subconscious + the typewriter?
Romana Egartner
In Limbo
Lena Winkler-Hermaden
L? âme perdue
Mar Cella Pascal, Nick Mortimore & Thomas Klien
Performance #3 nothingness?
Marcella Pascal
Installation #2 somethingness?
Johann Leitner
Venue /
Das Pack Haus
Marxergasse 24/Stiege 2/4 Stock
Starts from 4th Floor to 5th Floor
Frietag 12 Juni 20:00 - 13 Juni 01:00