Bildende Kunst Eröffnung Gruppenausstellung
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Diana Prim, Berit Dröse, Anne Munnecke, Marie Melchiorsen, Naja Maria Lundstrøm, Signe Ohayv Aarestrup, Helene Ringkjær Pedersen
Is an exhibition by seven artists.
Is also a prefix which changes the meaning of a word.
means that something is outside something or released from something.
Is a short form of extra/extro: ?something that is added? or ?something outside something else?
The sound of ex sounds like that of the mathematical x. The unknown or the foreign. The extent of a phenomenon yet unknown.
ex embraces all artworks and their interpretations and refers to the temporary physical relocation of c4 projects – a sort of exile.
The ex is, among others:
Berit Dröse is showing the video ?The trip? where a man moves between worlds to answer questions about his presence.
In Marie Melchiorsen?s series of fragile watercolours, the stroke of the brush becomes a poetic metaphor of the paradox of time itself.
A digital laser print ?x? by Anne Munnecke, which questions the importance of the gender through drawings of the x-chromosome.
10.-17. Oktober 2015
Sa und So 14-16h
sowie unter 0664/73326958
pinacoteca Große Neugasse 44
1040 Wien