Supergood presents Body+Freedom
Darstellende Kunst Performance
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Because winter is just a state of mind: Supergood is now open in Vienna! Enjoy a taste of tropical existentialism from 100% organic Açaí berries. Supergood is the energy boost for a better you. Neutralize free radicals and optimize yourself.
Eskalation und Resolution.
Supergood proudly presents the next hot show of Body + Freedom. Nils Amadeus Lange, Florentina Holzinger, Annina Machaz, Vincent Riebeek and Manuel Scheiwiller make the Supergood experience even richer. Enjoy freshest life-saving amazonian berries, come to our after work hang-outs and become a Body + Freedom star! Feel the Brasilian sun shine! Creatio Continua! Supergood Açai: ein Aroma so intensiv wie die Schöpfung.
Body + Freedom
proudly presented by Supergood
6. November, performance starts at 7 PM
kein Eintritt
Taste tropical Existentialism
Sechshauser Strasse 9, 1150 Wien
Every Day After Work, 15:00?21:00
Europe?s most provocative performance artists Florentina Holzinger, Vincent Riebeek, Manuel Scheiwiller und Annina Machaz are looking for a show host.
Body + Freedom shoot a special episode of the web series Body + Freedom - »The journey of the Açaí Berry« at Supergood. Body + Freedom is a reality show about the search for bigger meaning of life. For this special episode, we are looking for the perfect show host, which we are casting on Thursday, 5th of November 6PM - 8PM at Supergood. For more information write to Supergood, the Body + Freedom stars or email
The winner is going to be the host of the next show the next day, on Friday, 6th of November, 7pm at Supergood.