und Künstlergespräch:
Amirali Ghasemi in conversation with Studio 51.
The talk will be in English!
Studio 51 ist ein seit 2014 bestehendes Kollaborationsprojekt der Filmemacherin Bahar Samadi und dem Künstler und Architekt Navid Salajegheh. Die Hauptidee ihrer Projekte besteht aus dem Recycling und der Wiedernutzung von entstandenen oder gefundenen oftmals anonymen Filmmaterial, Texten und Bildern. Studio 51 versucht diese neu zu schreiben und sie in unterschiedliche Medien umzuwandeln – von Film zu Performance, von Installation zu Malerei. Sie konstruieren Serien von Mikro Narrativen, die in alternativen Zeiten und Orten neu auferstehen.
In dem Projekt ?Winterreise? bekommt ein gefundenes Objekt – ein Dia – der Mittelpunkt der Ausstellung. Um dieses gefundene Dia wird die Ausstellung und die dazu aufkommenden Fragestellungen konstruiert: ein Film, eine Malerei und eine speziell entwickelte Maschine, die parallele Ansichen ermöglicht.
Bahar Samadi (b.1981, Tehran) is a Tehran – Paris based filmmaker. In the course of filmmaking, she primarily reaches for found footages and what she has in her archive, using structural techniques like cinematic omission and narrative form diversion to rewrite the pictorial memory. Her attempt to decode the probable life of images, embarks an imaginary journey between the author and the spectator. Her films have been shown in a number of showcases, galleries and film festivals around the world such as «Semi Dark Room-Luminous Void» in Aaran Projects – Iran (2015), «Cork Film Festival» – Ireland (2014), «Fronteira – International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival» – Brazil (2014), «Limerick Avant-Garde Cinema, The Royal Picture Show» – Ireland (2014), «The 10th Beijing Independent Film Festival» – China (2013), «42nd International Film Festival of Rotterdam (IFFR)» – Netherlands (2013), Chester Beatty Library – Ireland (2012) and «Iran via Video Current» in Thomas Erben Gallery – New York (2011). Since 2014, Bahar Samadi with visual artist Navid Salajegheh, have been working together and ran «Studio 51».
Navid Salajegheh (b.1981, Tehran) is a Tehran-Paris based architect, urbanist and visual artist. He began his professional career in 2000. His approach in generating and developing the fundamental ideas of each subject that he undertakes, turns his productive artistic process into a methodical one. In his design and engineering method, he takes advantage of the context and the borderlines around it. The core of his recent work includes various complicated apparatus. By using such apparatus he tries to confront the spectator with an eternal situation in a special time and place. Some of his solo exhibitions are: ?Semi Dark Room-Luminous Void? / Exhibition, Installation and Performances in Aaran Projects, Tehran – 2015, ?City in Lost Scale? / Painting Exhibition and Installation in Raf Gallery, Tehran – 2013, ?Exaggerations? / Painting Exhibition in No. 13 Gallery, Tehran – 2006, ?Sections? / Painting Exhibition in No. 13 Gallery, Tehran – 2005, ?Transparent Images? / Performance and Installation in Asiaab Gallery, Tehran – 2004
Amirali Ghasemi is an independent curator and artist based between Tehran and Berlin, he has curated extensively for Parkingallery?s Video Archive and 5 editions of Limited Access Festival in addiotion to a number of exhibitions and programs internationally for Rotterdam film festival (2013), Devi Art Foundation(2012) & Cultuurcentrum Brugge (2010). He is a founding member of New Media Society, a project space, library and educational platform in Tehran.
Die Ausstellung läuft bis 20. Februar 2016.