Borders – especially in these times – are an omnipresent topic. Borders restrict and also obstruct our way towards freedom. Borders on the other hand also allow us to overcome our own limitations, to gain new experiences and to broaden our horizons. At borders two sides come together, by borders we develop our identities. Borders: a place of tension, friction and identities – on each of both sides. We would like to look into those ?borderline experiences? GRENZ ERFAHRUNG and make those artistic and personal approaches public.
For this exhibition we tried to gather various art works concerning borders, to investigate and research and highlight some different approaches toward this topic. On one night we will invite guests and artists to assimilate borders with literary means, an other venue is dedicated to the cinematic dimension of the borders.
Artists: Silvia Bigi, Ana Teresa Fernández, Adela Goldbard, Khaled Jarrar, Hubert Lobnig / Iris Andraschek, Diego Martinez, Chantal Peñalosa, Carlos Perez, Laura Rambelli, Calixto Ramirez, Alina Sokolova, Agata SZ
the exhibition runs through April 2, 2016