Die Schule von Kyiv: New Homeland?
Darstellende Kunst Vortrag Performance
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Marina Naprushkina: New Homeland? 2015
Lecture Performance
New Homeland? is a survey of refugee life in Berlin that reveals what Germany?s ?welcoming culture? really looks like sometimes.
Marina Naprushkina?s book New Homeland? How Refugees are Turning us into Better Neighbors was published in early Sep- tember by Europa Verlag. Passages of the book were printed in advance both in the Frankfurter Rundschau and the Berliner Zei- tung, and the book was also presented in the television shows ?As-
pekte? on ZDF and ?Report München? on ARD, as well as being performed at the opening of the ilb International Literature Fes- tival Berlin 2015 as a full reading. In the September 11th, 2015, issue of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Andreas Kilb called it ?the book of the hour,? and Rupert Neudeck wrote in Neues Deutschland of Naprushkina and her involvement in the initiative
?New Neighborhood/Moabit?: ?This author is a stroke of luck.? The politically and artistically committed author has presented the book to the public on several occasions, including on the Blue Sofa during the Frankfurt Book Fair on October 16th, 2015, and as part of the series ?front:text? at the Munich Literature Festival on No- vember 25th, 2015.
Studio 26 is an open neighborhood studio in Berlin for people both with and without a history of flight from their home country. Workshops are offered in linocut printmaking, and the resulting works are on display in Vienna. Studio 26 is a project of the initia- tive?NewNeighborhood/Moabit?(Berlin).(neuenachbarschaft.de)
*1981 in Minsk. Lives and works in Berlin.
Die Schule der Ortlosen, Lesung: Bücherei Philadelphiabrücke (11. Mai, 19 Uhr), Ausstellung: 11. – 21. Mai