exhibition.conference.excursion on academic design build studios
International conference and exhibition on academic DesignBuild Studios, from June 1st to 3rd 2016 at Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
The conference and exhibition is hosted and organized by Vienna University of Technology and supported by the EDBKN - European Design Build Knowledge Network and its partners: TU Berlin (DE), TU Vienna (AT), German University Cairo (EG), Dalhousie University Halifax (CA), Portland State University (US) and Associazione Archintorno (IT).
12:30 Registration
13:30 Welcome + Introduction
Christian KÜHN Dean for Curricular Affairs – Vienna University of Technology (AT)
Peter FATTINGER design.build studio – Vienna University of Technology (AT)
Ian BANERJEE Vienna University of Technology – Center of Sociology (AT)
Michael HUGHES American University of Sharjah (AE)
Martin SELF AA School of Architecture – Design & Make (UK)
Cornelia REDEKER German University Cairo – Nile Island Initiative (EG)
Bernadette HEIERMANN + Judith REITZ RWTH Aachen + PBSA – design.develop.build. (DE)
Alfred ZOLLINGER Parsons School of Design - Design Workshop (US)
David KRALER + Christoph LACHBERGER Vienna University of Technology – design.build studio – Thesis Project Mondikolok (AT)
17:00 PLATFORM PRESENTATION: dbXchange.com
EDBKN – European DesignBuild Knowledge Network
Ursula HARTIG + Nina PAWLICKI TU Berlin – Habitat Unit, CoCoon (DE)
Simon COLWILL TU Berlin – ILAUP, CoCoon (DE)
Panel Discussion with: Hartig, Pawlicki, Colwill and
Jane ANDERSON Oxford Brookes University – Live Projects Network (UK)
Ted CAVANAGH Dalhousie University – Design-Build Exchange (dbX) North America – Member of EDBKN (CND)
Nina NEDELYKOV Nedelykov Moreira Architekten – Advisory Board EDBKN (DE)
Sergio PALLERONI Portland State University – Head of Advisory Board EDBKN (US)
Eike ROSWAG ZRS Ingenieure + Architekten – Advisory Board EDBKN (DE)
Andrew FREEAR Auburn University – Rural Studio (US)
20:30 EXHIBITION opening
HANDS ON. enhancing architectural education
featuring works by: [applied] Foreign Affairs (AT), archintorno (IT), baladilab (EG),
BASEhabitat (AT), BaSiC Initiative (US), buildCollective (AT), Building Institute (US),
CoCoon (DE), CODE (DE), Colorado Building Workshop (US), design.build studio (AT),
design.develop.build (DE), Design & Make (UK), e1nszue1ns (DE), FreeLab & Coastal
Studio (CA), INDA (TH), Laurentian University School of Arch. (CA) University of
Liechtenstein (LI), Nile Island Initiative (EG), North Studio (US), NTNU Live Studio (NO),
parsons design workshop (US), Rural Studio (US), ./studio3 (AT), Studio 804 (US),
studio mzamba (DE), TUM.DESIGNBUILD (DE), Yale Building Project (US)
exhibition opening hours: June 1-4, 2016, 9:00-18:00