Wiener Art Foundation features fAN @ kunstbuero
Giorgos Kontis | Just Quist
A sign and a network. The image as such, as both, and also, as an object; not intangible but rather bearing its own materiality, physical attributes, a body.
The image, having signs registered on it, and being registered with its turn on something greater; an image that is all and just a part. A shard of a ceramic vessel that has followed its own path and trajectory in time. A body that carries its own history and memory and hovers between being a part and simultaneously an autonomous entity, thus, having this duality and bearing both functions. A suspended fragment that is almost mystic and mythical, becoming a sign; of itself and of its broader whole.
Thus, the image as a presence and as an archetype that stands beside, though cannot escape, this general whole, the net in which it is caught, its context.
The work of Giorgos Kontis (b 1981, Athens) focuses on abstract painting and on its function as an image. It becomes a contemplation on it as an Icon, on the autonomy it gains, and on the way it radiates itself, triggering questions on authenticity and the agency of the artist. He is currently doing a practice based PhD in Painting at the Royal College of Art in London.
For Just Quist (b 1965, Dordrecht) the work places itself in an agile position in respect to the different contexts within which it arises. He is looking for the transitive space, a space hitherto void of meaning. A space in transition, where no meaning can be defined because it has not yet arrived in its entirety. A space where meanings are generated by the connections made, where acting transforms to object.