Persönliche Einladung
für Alle (max 400 people)
Invitation for everyone
ST/A/R 50 Newspaper Presentation Big Festival in Loving Memory of Tamuna Sirbiladze in AUX GAZELLES at the Gerngrosssäule by Franz West on Nov 16 at 20:00 with Live Introduction of the ST/A/R 50 Contributors
Schnapsbegrüßung von Heidulf Gerngross
ST/A/R 50 Power Point Presentation Screening with the Contributors live Introduction
AKVARIUM Short Film by Maksudyan Sisters Introduction
Live Music, DJs
Birthday Celebration
List of Contributors
Maksudyan Sisters, Filmmakers, Artists, Lawyer and Architect
Marcus Hinterthür, Multimedia Cyberpunk Artist
Philipp Konzett, Art Dealer
Die Diplomaten, Dancemusic with Heart, Tanzmusik mit Herz
and many many more!
ST/A/R celebrates the continuous social, cultural, aesthetic and controversial Act.
Everyone is invited to celebrate the Abstract Normality with us!