42 PERCENT NOIR is a new live performance project consisting of two music and visual artists that have collaborated closely for a long time. The project combines acoustic piano playing with digital sound and visual art. On stage, the two sides are merged together to form a performance that explores the interesting relationship between sound, vision, and liveinteraction in the modern world.
In our performance, we explore this relationship between the piano as the real world and the visualization as the digital world. The musicvisual pieces were composed to confront actual/current discussions, which are heavily affected by technology such as globalization, immigration, and AI
Talk: Band+Fish+Piano with Max/MSP 42Percent Noir explaining their tech.
In our journey as independent artists we?ve gained a great experience in using technology in live performance, whilst considering our artistic development and the experience of the audience. In the talk, we wish to give an inside look at this journey and discuss some of our methods in Max/MSP.
Here are the key subjects of the talk:
– Syndrome? Electrorock music and the development of a new platform for live performances of music bands which was published in NIME14 in Goldsmith, London
– Dag is a DJ? an installation where a fish’s motion is optically tracked and translated into music gestures and visualizations. performed in Kinetica 2014 London, covered in VICE ? ?The Creators Project? and a comprehensive article just published in Leonardo Music Journal.
– 42Percent Noir? Our current project that combines acoustic piano playing with digital sound and visual art
The music/visual artists in the project are Shaltiel Eloul (pianofirst instrument), a Phd student in Oxford University and a former student of the electroacoustic department (BarIlan university), and Gil Zissu (bass1st instrument), a graphic designer and an art director. Together, they have been performing and composing music for a long time in various music and performance projects.