Accordia #46: Wiener Brut
Musik Klangkunst Screening
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ACCORDIA - 1. Österreichischer Schallplattenclub #46- ?Wiener Brut? – POLIGAM-LP-Release Party & Screening
POLIGAM was the brainchild of Artur Singer. The band started in Vienna in 1982 and was joined by Karin Rudolph, Alfred Volgger, Hans Holler and Ernst Dummer. The material presented on the forthcoming 2x12??-LP originates from 2 tapes that were recorded around 1984 in the living rooms of the band members. Also included is the music that POLIGAM wrote for the Austrian underground movie “Wiener Brut”.
DJs: Heap & Simon Heidemann (Wiener Brut)
Hosts: Alaska Albi & UniversAl Beatnik
21:00 (pünktlich) Screening von ?Wiener Brut? (A, 1984 / Dir.: Hans Fädler). Im Anschluss (ab ca 22:30): DJs Heap & Simon Heidemann, die beiden Herausgeber der POLIGAM-LP. 00:30: DJs Alaska Al & Universal Beatnik