Tea Time with Jacqueline Zauner + Lisa Grübel
Darstellende Kunst Performance
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[You enter an apartment of about 80 square meters. The use of this apartment is intended for several people. The walls are painted white. The apartment is divided into several rooms. The rooms are spacious. You walk through with slow steps, experienced by you at any moment previous to the present moment.]
let?s share this moment together, with a cup of tea on a sunday afternoon! #TeaTime
we open a new informal art room at #HugInnVienna, the headquarter of Option 2.0.
this time we set up a performance by Jacqueline Zauner & Lisa (Lizer) Grübel
The location and situation-related performance questions the production, reproduction and categorization of [art] space. In a broader sense, what conditions we make of it, how we move in there and how we generate an archive of knowledge due too that. It also deals with questions, of how space can cause a shift of meanings through a ?intimate? setting.
The performance and space is limited up to 25 people. To be a part of the performance, it?s important to sign in with Lynn (lynn@opt2o.org), till 26th, 12pm. Also it?s neccessary to hand in your phonenumber due too the performance. We will announce futher information on that and will handle your personal data with care. Please be there on time, the performance will start punctually at 5 pm.
we would like to continue the #TeaTime in the future, meaning we?d feel delighted if you want to offer space, ideas and participate.
we would also appreciate a little donation of 3 euro for tea & cake.