Artist Talk - Digitale Kunst: Anton Falkeis
Urbanismus Architektur Vortrag
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Applied trans-disciplinary research is foundation for Anton Falkeis? architectural work and includes acoustical phenomena, building-integrated energy production and sustainable structures as well as ?biological approaches? to building, structural and urban design, and the social impact of technological innovations.
In close cooperation with experts from various fields some of the research findings were developed further into innovative products such as the 3D sound system, the acoustically active 3D light fields, the high-performance concrete with an outstanding reproduction quality or the multi-component molding technique. Some of the technological inventions yielded a patent, like the movable building envelope, or were built as prototypes creating new knowledge in the field of production technique, like the 3D freeform textile building envelope and the complex 3D Voronoi load bearing structure.
Anton Falkeis is a licensed architect in Austria and Liechtenstein. Together with Cornelia Falkeis-Senn he is co-founder of falkeis I architects.vienna, falkeis I architect.vaduz and the falkeis I building innovation lab. The architectural work has been widely published and was exhibited at Venice Biennale, Kuala Lumpur, New York, Vienna. Currently he is working on the realization of the first ? implementing new integrated energy production technology. He holds a patent for ?Climate Wings?.
Anton Falkeis started his academic career as a guest researcher at the University of Tokyo, Japan in 1992 and has been lecturing at several universities such Royal College of Art, London; ELISAVA, Barcelona; ESAG, Paris; KADK, Copenhagen; Technical University Vienna; University of Applied Science, Lucerne; University of Technology, Berlin, and most recently at MIT Media Lab, Boston and MIT Senseable City Lab, Boston. He is visiting critic at University of Liechtenstein and ETH Zürich and a frequent speaker at international conferences.
Since 2000 he is Full Professor for Special Topics in Architecture Design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where he was Vice-Dean of the Institute of Architecture from 1999 to 2003. In 2012, he was guest professor at Nanjing University of Art China, conducting the experimental studio. He was the founding Head of Program of the Master Program Social Design_Arts as Urban Innovation from 2012 to 2015. Since 2013 he is Dean of the Institute Arts and Society at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Anton Falkeis is JSPS fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. His writings include: ?Featureless City?, ?Western Style and Eastern Mind?, ?Film as Preview?, ?Social Design:Public Action?, ?Aspects of Space?, ?Urbanizing the world?, ?Thinking out of the Urban Design Toolbox?, and ?Urban Change?.