Two hot performance nights at nadalokal
Darstellende Kunst Performance
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Nadalokoal proudly presents the works of the artists in residence
Yoan Sorin and Ribidjunga & Caetano.
28.6.2017 | 19:30 Uhr
Yoan Sorin “Tamarraw”
Tamarraw is an experimentation.
It’s not a performance
It’s not an action
It’s not an exhibition
It’s not a promise
It’s just something between me and you
29.6.2017 | 20:00 Uhr
a presentation by
Ribidjunga & Caetano
Preguiça Solar é…
Solar laziness is…
Two faithful beings navigate in and out a time of Solar
Capitalism. They search for enclaves beyond the
blinding rays of petrochemical surfaces and money.
Special thanks to cecilia lisa eliceche.\.pdf