Women of Substance
Welcome to our journey of illusion!
The multi-talented Elisabeth Kelvin (saxophone /bass clarinet/dancer/artist) and the extraordinary Lorelei Dowling (bassoon) will take you on a fantasy voyage through time and fusion.
Can a performer be part of a painting whilst simultaneously playing? What happens when Paul Austers? ?Book of Illusions? is ?performed? within a piece of music? What happens when darkness falls around one?what illusion trip will trigger a new experience? Musicians performing dances: dancers or musicians? What happens when the music of the 17th century composer , Falvetti fuses with a contemporary composition? Which epoch are we in?
Join us for a one-hour performance where you may even encounter your world of illusion.
Liza Lim: ?Axis Mundi? - bassoon
John Plankenhorn : ?Is this one better, or, is this one better? This one, er, this one?? - bass clarinet
Elisabeth Kelvin: ?Sobben - Nepi Tanc? - bass clarinet+bassoon
Elisabeth Kelvin/John Plankenhorn/Nadia Kelvin: ?Trigger Warning? - bass clarinet and movement
Frank Pesci ?Wood and Metal? /Dowling arrangement ?Flavetti - Tenor sax + bassoon
makebelieve. an analysis of illusion
Für die Saison 2017/18 wurden Projekte gesucht, welche die Grenzen unserer Wahrnehmungsebenen verschwimmen lassen. Mittels ?analysis of illusion? sind die Ausführenden aufgefordert, dem Publikum ein Phänomen erfahrbar zu machen, welches unseren gesamten Alltag bestimmt ohne jemals selbst bemerkt zu werden: der Glaube an die eigene Wahrnehmung.
Das Kuratoren-Team der Neuen Musik St.Ruprecht hat Projekte zusammengefasst, welche interdisziplinär arbeiten und dem Publikum somit neue Möglichkeiten der Wahrnehmung eröffnen können.