Storytelling Workshop: Tales of Belonging
Darstellende Kunst Screening Diskussion Workshop
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“Stories can break the dignity of a people,
but stories can also repair that broken dignity.” C. Ngozi Adichie
Stories define power. Who tells them, how they are told, when they are told, how many are told – all these depend on power. So, what happens when someone not only tells the story of another person, but makes it the defining story of that person? What is the danger of a single story? And how can we use stories to empower and humanize?
Inspired by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s talk on “The Danger of a Single Story”, we will expand on this idea with a storytelling workshop. How can we can remove our default positions towards others, discover our unconscious biases, and empower our voices? Can we learn from the migrants’ journey?
• Screening of “Tales of Belonging” (5 min)
• Short discussion
• Interactive storytelling workshop with Joanna Sell: “Empowering our voices through storytelling”
What will you get from the storytelling evening?
• Improved understanding of unconscious bias
• Inspiration on how to work with stories and storytelling
• Ideas how to motivate people to share stories that bridge cultures and initiate change
• Confidence in building the global mindset
“Tales of Belonging” is a video commissioned by The Simorgh and produced by Impact Storytelling. It shares stories from Iranian migrants through Western Europe; of their journey to a new country, their struggles and opportunities.
Joanna Sell is an intercultural narrative coach, trainer, facilitator, and founder of Intercultural Compass consultancy ( specializing in global teamwork, virtual, cross-cultural leadership and storytelling in the intercultural working environments. She is also co-founder of the Beyond Storytelling Network and co-organizer of SIETAR Europa Conferences in Valencia and Dublin. Joanna is the author and co-author of various books and articles on storytelling in the intercultural field and a passionate art lover.