Jean-Philippe Vassal — Freespace, space for thought
Urbanismus Architektur Vortrag
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Jean-Philippe Vassal (Lacaton & Vassal)— Freespace, space for thought
Moderation: Prof. Tina Gregoric
Freespace, space for thought
Freespace: Architecture must create freedom and no constraints.
Space must be generous, comfortable, adaptable, flexible, luxurious, affordable.
It must offer the users the possibility of moving, of appropriating space, and situations of interpretation.
Office Lacaton & Vassal: Biography
Jean-Philippe Vassal
born in Casablanca, Morocco in 1954.
Graduated from the School of Architecture of Bordeaux in 1980.
Worked as urban planner in Niger (West Africa) from 1980 to 1985.
Professor at the UDK Berlin since 2012.
Visiting professor at the TU in Berlin (2007-11),
at the Peter Behrens School of architecture in Düsseldorf 2005,
at EPFL Lausanne in 2010-11,
at the Pavillon Neu ize OBC-Palais de Tokyo,
Paris, in 2013-2014, at Sassari University in Alghero 2014 & 2015.
Anne Lacaton
born in France in 1955.
Graduated from the School of Architecture of Bordeaux in 1980.
Diploma in Urban Planning at the university of Bordeaux in 1984.
Professor at ETH Zurich since 2017.
Visiting professor at the University of Madrid, Master Housing since 2007, at EPFL Lausanne, 2004, 2006, 2010-11 and 2017, at the University of Florida: Ivan Smith Studio in 2012, at theUniversity of NY-Buffalo: Clarkson Chair in 2013, at the Pavillon Neu ize OBC-Palais de Tokyo, Paris, in 2013-2014, at Harvard GSD: Kenzo Tange 2011 & Design critic 2015, at Sassari University in Alghero 2014 & 2015, at TU Delft, sem 2016-17.