Metaday #91

Medien & Technologie Vortrag
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1 Termin im Archiv
Freitag 31. Mai 2019
31. Mai 2019
Metaday #91

Einmal im Monat lädt das Metalab Vortragende aus aller Welt ein, bei uns
von ihren Projekten und Ideen zu erzählen. Anschließend gibt es Platz
für Lightning Talks, wo Besucher aktuelle Unternehmungen und Vorhaben
vorstellen können, sowie ein Buffet und gemütliches Ambiente für
Diskussion und Austausch.

== Focal Camera ==

Vortragender: Mathijs van Oosterhoudt,

The Focal Camera is an open-source modular camera prototyping system,
allowing easy construction of complex cameras. During this talk we will
explore the (commercial) camera’s history to assert the need for the
DIY camera & it’s vast possibilities.

Zur Person: Mathijs van Oosterhoudt is a critical tinkerer,
a critical hoarder and artist based in Rotterdam.

== Object-Oriented Subject ==

Vortragende: Lídia Pereira,

“Object-Oriented Subject is a joint project initiated by researchers
and designers Lucia Dossin and Lídia Pereira in which they investigate
he strategies of Facebook’s data processing factory. By focusing on the
inference of personal attributes from user data for categorisation
purposes, Lucia and Lídia hope to successfully achieve a mapping system
which allows them, as well as interested parties, to understand,
visualise and explain the existing relationships between the different
interactions within or around Facebook’s platform, the data extracted
from these interactions and the transformation of these data into
categories, which are themselves a manifestation of the company’s
interests. During her talk Lídia will go over the research process, as
well as its practical manifestation, the workshop ‘Beerpong or Voltaire?’.”


Zur Person: Lídia Pereira is an indepent designer, artist and
researcher based in Rotterdam, NL. current interests revolve
around the political organisation of labour in corporate social
networking platforms and working class identity within networked
economies, presenting a focus on the power structures governing
online and offline behaviour.

* her website

== Lightning Talks ==

Lightning Talks sind Kurzvorträge. Hier sollen aktuelle Ideen, Projekte,
und vor allem Work-in-Progress vorgestellt werden. (Selbst auf der Wiki-
Seite eintragen!) Die Dauer der Vorträge ist auf 5 Minuten begrenzt. […]

== Afterwards ==

Come-Together, opt. mit Buffet, Wein, Bier, Mate, … sowie Ambient/
Downtempo Chillout Musik, kleine Tour durchs Lab für Interessierte

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