Performative Screenings #61
Film Video Vortrag
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school presents
Performative Screenings # 61
Nadir Souirgi
Selective Adaptations
Friday June 28, 8 pm
Lecture, drawings, sounds
Sunday June 30, 7:30 am (meeting point: school)
Bird walk
Nadir Souirgi is an artist and educator living and working in New York City. In 2010 Nadir founded the Harlem County Bird Club, a program that introduces elementary school aged children to birdwatching and field science. He works as a bird guide for NYC Audubon, as well as Zugunruhe Birding Tours, work that took him to the Bering Sea and the Western Aleutian Islands in Alaska. Nadir has also spent many hours studying birds while volunteering at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. He is currently preparing to lead a trip to Antarctica in the winter of 2022. Nadir’s work is informed by his proximity to the American bird watching community, his biracial and bicultural identities and his experience working with low income children of color in Harlem. At school, Nadir will present recent drawings and talk about how contemporary conservation events continue to be a vehicle for the settler colonialist project.