Performative Screenings #63: Disagreeable Body
Film Video Screening Performance
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school presents
Performative Screenings #63
Mary Helena Clark, Josh Minkus
Screenings / Performance 7:30 pm
Bar opens 7 pm
A disagreeable body is at odds with itself. Its guts are contested places. Its boundaries are drawn and redrawn. There is one fantasy of a contained and statically defined body. The subject and property of a separate ruling mind, sealed off from the contaminating excess of everything outside of it. There is another fantasy of rupture, a porous, sensing body dispersed and dissociated. This one runs the schizo-utopian gamut - as Roger Caillois writes in Mimicry and Legendary Psychasthenia “… the body separates itself from thought, the individual breaks the boundary of [her] skin and occupies the other side of [her] senses. [She] tries to look at [herself] from any point whatever in space. [She] feels [herself] becoming space, dark space where things cannot be put …” This program looks at these fantasies and accompanying anxieties. A body’s fraught apertures and the othered self; the mechanisms of a body, expressive and productive; a body as an ecology with climates, landscapes, and residents; and as a base political unit - an enfleshed machine producing labor and waste. With works by Mary Helena Clark, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Josh Minkus, and Beny Wagner.
In cooperation with Schule Friedl Kubelka für unabhängigen Film