Performance + Tour: Jamais vu

Darstellende Kunst Performance Führung Gruppenausstellung
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Freitag 21. Mai 2021
21. Mai 2021
Performance + Tour: Jamais vu

curated by Liudmila Kirsanova
28 April - 30 May 2021

21 May
Pille-Riin Jaik Performance, Liudmila Kirsanova curatorial tour

Jamais vu, literally means ‘never seen’, is the opposite of déjà vu and implies perceiving something familiar, something you should be accustomed to, as obscure, eerie, and uncanny. Originally a psychological term, since the pandemic has started, it’s shifted to social and political fields and might be used to describe an extraordinary collective sensation of glitch, for we do not recognize ourselves and the outside world.

The exhibitions Jamais vu I and Jamais vu II explore the poetics of jamais vu experience. Both parts are meant to be experienced in a dialogue, in a looped play of inward-outward. All art works appear ‘not what they seem’, shimmering, oscillating between familiar and unfamiliar, manifested and concealed, lucid and opaque so to create a sensitive space of fluid visuals and shifting meanings.

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