There is no empty space
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung Performance Ausstellung
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Opening: 27th of October, 7 pm
thishousebylines, Barbara Eichhorn
Das Design des Anonymen, Joanna Zabielska
sol.lab.zones, catering by mobile solar manufaktur
29th of October, 6 pm
Supersuit, Michael Wallraff
aspern Parcours, Ute Burkhardt-Bodenwinkler
Share Via GO SMS, P.Michael Schultes
30th of October, 4 pm
Bilderwerfer, Christian Polster, Elisabeth Löffler, Conny Scheuer, Helga Gussner, Yosi Wanunu, Oleg Soulimenko
sol.lab.zones, catering by mobile solar manufaktur
Exhibition - Duration: 28th - 30th of October, 2021
Opening Hours: 4 -9 pm
Exhibition - Remembering
This our first step for building a common frame and a network to bring Daniel Aschwanden´s body of work into a discourse of our contemporary situation.
We would like to invite you and offer you an access to unseen performance material from Daniel. Simultaneously, the exhibition gives us a chance to initiate, as toZomia, a framework for research and artistic reflection on the base of his practice.