Reclaim! The Power of Communities
Bildende Kunst Zeitgenössische Kunst Screening Performance
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A space to explore the radical potential of collective practice between artists and activists. From approaches that involve intimacy, collective writing, collective singing, cooking and eating together, dancing as a political movement, honoring the dead. These artistic practices invite us to surpass individuality, and build together a creative, flexible, invasive network of alianceship. Through practices of re-existance this is an invitation to create ways of living together that undermine the colonial, capitalist, racist and sexist orders.
Four days event for and with @fridaysforfuturevienna, @klimacamp_wien, @kollektivantikolonialerinterventioneninwien, @claimthespace, @kollektivlauter, @rosaantifawien, @niunamenos.austria, @schwarzefrauencommunity, @zara.zivilcourage, @afrorainbowaustria, @queerbasevienna @freiwilligeredolmetcherinnen, @greenheroesaustria, @extinctionrebellionaustria, @systemchange.not.climatechange @agentur_aesthetische_agitation, @lobau_bleibt, @rettet_die _lobau
Activated by the artists, collectives and activists, Carlos Atabey Maria Romero (CO/UK/DE), Rocio Marano (DE/AR/ES), Angela Muñoz (ES/DE), Faris Cuchi Gezahegn (ET/AT), Veza Maria Fernandez (ES/AT), MAI LING (/AT), Lina Venegas (CO/PE/AT)
Organized by nadaLokal, curated by Amanda Piña CL/MX/AT and Susana Ojeda COL/AT. RECLAIM features mostly vienesse female and non-binary artist of post-national foregrounds.
Monday 07.02.2022
18:30 – 19:30 Film Screening La Nave, by Carlos Atabey Maria Romero
La Nave translates the meaning and spirit of Carnival de Barranquilla during a year in which gatherings were forbidden. Through clandestinely filmed performances with members of many different communities—indigenous, trans, queer, rural, Afro-Colombian and radical outsiders among them—Maria Romero recreates northern Colombia’s largest cultural event as an essayistic performance film, demonstrating how Carnival is a lifeblood to its many diverse participants.
19:30 – 20:45 MATRIA – Motherland, by Rocio Marano with Ángela Muñoz
Matria imagines a history that is not represented in colonial, hegemonic narratives. In an exploration of Malambo, the resistance dance of the gauchos, known today in Argentina mainly as a solo competition between men, the performance dismantles the disciplinary and patriarchal aspect of the dance and moves towards a dance of rebellion. In the crossover between traditional and contemporary dance, the standard of Western aesthetics is challenged to create space for other dance ontologies.
21:00 – 22:00 Get together with Punsch4uganda