Finissage: Gabriel Stoian

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Freitag 8. Juli 2022
8. Juli 2022
Finissage: Gabriel Stoian

FINISSAGE, Freitag, 8. Juli 2022, 15 - 18 Uhr
Art Showroom 05
1050 Wien, Laurenzgasse 1

Bevor wir in die Sommerpause gehen, wollen wir nochmals zusammentreffen und auf die gelungene Ausstellung von Gabriel Stoian anstoßen.
Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie die Gelegenheit nutzen und bei uns vorbeischauen.


Flicking through a recent issue of the Economist one day, I came across this article about the Californian desert tortoise, which lives in a very hostile environment. For this reason, and a few others related to human intervention, this animal lives in an intolerable wilderness, but in a normal life cycle can easily outlive us all. As I read this, my mind wandered from the turtle and I began to think about my own loneliness. By the time I read the whole text, I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I can’t even remember the author’s name. (My apologies, dear author!) I was on the verge of my own loneliness; it felt dense and heavy like a fog that isolated me from everyone and everything else; a scary and sublime feeling that inspired me to create the work for this exhibition. Even when I am in a vulnerable state, I am in solitude and can think and see clearly. That being said, I am not an introvert; it is not that I am a sad and lonely person, it has more to do with contemplation. As a painter, I find solitude empowering and creative. The works in this exhibition emphasise the dual state of loneliness and they are a utopian act of devotion to the Californian desert tortoise.

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