Performative Screenings #76
Darstellende Kunst Performance Screening
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school presents
Performative Screenings #76
Friday October 14, 2022
bar, performance and screening, 8 pm
Built on a narrative about the disorientation of the body in a building / an institution, this excerpt of Ceylan Öztrük´s new performance is an attempt of communication towards potent structures with soft tissues, through a transparent and bodily gesture. Seeking ways of getting along or coping with the building, this work is reflecting on the clash of the constructed space and the body.
In this space, the performance offers a new spatial orientation in which movement is a communicative language, trying to make contact with the building / the institution. The space / the building with its specific features is a symbol of a system that doesn’t include the body. The body reacts to it with a language of its own.
In her performance practice, diving into the roots and purposes of the words orient and orientation, with a speculation on orientalism, Öztrük researches on how being the oriental stranger orientates the body. Following her previous works, Oriental Demo and Orientalien, she has been producing on the notion and possibilities of disorientation.