Facing_Drag: Fatima Naqvi

Film Video Vortrag Screening
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1 Termin im Archiv
Donnerstag 17. November 2022
17. Nov. 2022
Facing_Drag: Fatima Naqvi

Fatima Naqvi (Yale): Fassbinder’s Fascist Drag
Afterwards Film Screening: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Lili Marleen (1981)

The talk will focus on the heady mix of fascism, drag, and kitsch in Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s oeuvre, revisiting 1970s discussions of ideological aberrations, sexual perversion, and gender trouble. The talk also brings the films of the German enfant terrible into dialogue with that of his contemporaries, in particular Luchino Visconti and Werner Schroeter.

Fatima Naqvi is Elias W. Leavenworth Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures and Film and Media Studies at Yale University. Naqvi’s books include Trügerische Vertrautheit: Filme von Michael Haneke/ Deceptive Familiarity: Films by Michael Haneke (2010), How We Learn Where We Live: Thomas Bernhard, Architecture, and Bildung (2016), and The Insulted Landscape: Postwar German Culture 1960–1995 (2021)

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