Asgar/Gabriel: Obscure thing and the sun
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung
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Opening: Tuesday, November 22nd 2022, 7pm - 9pm
The artists will be present at the opening
Introduction by Jan Gustav Fiedler (Museum of Now)
Location: Galerie Ernst Hilger, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna
Exhibition dates: November 22nd 2022 - January 12th 2023
Painting is the only way to document and articulate the inner visual reality. For Asgar/Gabriel this reality consist mainly of in-between spaces where the inside and outside merge, people in various stages of physical and mental dissolvement plus “obscure things and the sun”. The visual language of the new series is as striking as the applied techniques. The works take the observer through an art-historical labyrinth full of references and new interpretations, transforming the gallery into an in-between space of its own where various timelines, moods and aesthetic universes intertwine.