Saskia te Nicklin: I Bring You ...

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1 Termin im Archiv
bis Donnerstag 26. Jänner
1. Dez. 2022 -
Do 26. Jän. 2023
Saskia te Nicklin: I Bring You ...

Saskia te Nicklin: I Bring You The Motions, but Without The Emotions

There are a few personal reasons for us to be especially excited about this next opening. Saskia Te Nicklin’s work marks the intersection where the pre-gallery activities of Victoria Dejaco and Michael Wonnerth-Magnusson overlap. We both have written texts about her work and have been following it for a good decade. Hence, WONNERTH DEJACO is happy to announce the opening of I Bring You The Motions, but Without The Emotions, a solo exhibition by Saskia Te Nicklin.

Saskia Te Nicklin was born in Copenhagen in 1979. She studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen (2010) and at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (2009). She has shown extensively in Austria, Denmark, Germany, USA and Iceland. In 2019, she won the LCA prize at the MiArt art fair for the best booth of emerging artists.
Solo and duo shows include Kunstraum Schwaz, Schwaz, AT (2018), VIN VIN Gallery Vienna (2019 and 2018), Galerie Nächst St. Stephan LOGIN, Vienna (2015), Diana Lambert, Vienna (2014), and Christian Andersen Gallery, Copenhagen (2012).
Institutional and other group shows include the upcoming show at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art-Copenhagen (2023), Tiroler Landesmuseen-Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck (2022), Biquini Wax, Mexico City (2020), WUK Exnergasse, Vienna (2020) Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon, Videbæk, DK (2019), YEARS, Copenhagen (2014), Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna (2013) Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York (2013), Künstlerhaus Vienna, and KIT Düsseldorf (both 2011).

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