The Objective #6: Yein Lee
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung
We can't find the internet
Attempting to reconnect
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school presents
The Objective #6
Yein Lee
Friday, March 17, 2023
The exhibition will be on view
until May 6, 2023
Saturdays 4–7 pm
and by appointment
Time enables matter. Time is interlinked with the dimensions of space and passes at different rates. Everything moves with respect to everything. Time shapes bodies; grows, transforms, ages, gains, looses, rusts, decays.
Bodies are markers of time.
— The circular rings of fish
The growth rings of trees
The bones of turtles
Our faces, Our muscles, and flesh —
We all are in an altering state at every moment.
Let’s assume aliens have a different sense of time. Maybe one second is another one’s hour. They live at a slower time or a faster time. When I say hello, they might hear hhhhhheeeeelllllooooo. Or they may just hear a short breath of h. Don’t feel offended if you miss the answer. You just didn’t hear it with your body’s senses.
What if we are in a time frame in which it is possible to see after images of our bodies? Calendars and clocks are just a framework we created. Interesting. Korea is finally getting rid of “Korean age counting”. Soon my friends and family will be happy to be younger. Yet let’s not focus on the sadness of aging. It is all shaking.
The shifting timeframe shakes up the concept of bodies. The after images become a kind of reality.
I saw it. I see street lights are scattering.
I squinted at the moon
it exploded into 8 lights.
something I can’t touch is touched.
something I can’t see is seen.
something I can’t hear is heard.
The altered bodies, altering ones. Not only biological status but our deep attachment to non-biological ones. So if we are watching YouTube long enough, will it become an extended brain full of dogs and cats? One slice of a cell, fluid, vein, mass, machine, metal, plastic, bone, muscle, vessel, blood, silky protein, lipid, ash, sepal, petal, stamen, and carpel. These bodies are related to you. Can you feel closer to opened ones? Bodies are ever-breathing and ever-expanding. A sense of belonging, a voice of otherness. That was all about it.
Yein Lee is a Korean born artist, living in Vienna. She combines elements of technology, physical organisms and fantastic conceptions to create hybrid visions of the bodily realm. Investigating relations of social dissonance in her extended surroundings, found objects are combined with casted pieces and painterly gestural liveness. She creates a field of discussion by targeting the complexities of societal behavior.