Open Heritage

Urbanismus Architektur Präsentation Diskussion
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Mittwoch 22. November 2023
22. Nov. 2023
Open Heritage

Open Heritage: Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe. Best Practice
In cooperation with Denkmalpflege & Bauen im Bestand, TU Wien

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion

What measures could be taken to revitalize the maintenance and conservation of our built environment? A group of researchers from several European countries proposes expanding the definition of cultural heritage, restructuring planning processes, and rethinking who will be involved in this care.

We’re presenting a compendium documenting the findings of an EU-funded project which was carried out in six different countries. Open Heritage’s ambition is to organize, promote, and enable continued community-driven use of buildings. To this end the protagonists developed a kit of tools and tested them at six sites, each with distinct characteristics. The report – which delineates a path toward the renewal of the ways and means employed to sustain our built environment – is addressed to local stakeholders, design professionals, researchers, and policy-makers.

Federica Fava, Assistant Professor, Roma Tre University
Gabu Heindl, Architect, Vienna / Uni Kassel
Maik Novotny, Journalist, Vienna
Levente Polyák, Community Advocate, Eutropian, Budapest
Heike Oevermann, Head Professor at the Chair of Heritage Conservation, TU Vienna
Hanna Szemzo, Sociologist, Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest

Heike Oevermann, Levente Polyák, Hanna Szemzo, Harald A. Mieg (Eds.), Open Heritage. Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe: Best Practice, Basel: Birkhäuser 2023

In cooperation with Denkmalpflege & Bauen im Bestand, Vienna University of Technology, Professor Heike Oevermann with the editors, authors and guests.

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