Sara Glaxia
“100% Cotton”
Perfomance-/Soundaktion im Rahmen der Ausstellung
Christoph Hinterhuber
“Selector Alois Bernsteiner”
Do., 05. November, ab 19h (Stagetime 21h)
Ausstellungsdauer: 30. Okt bis 22. Nov 2009
Quick Quick, it moves softly
had surrender by the shine of its blue
Puff Puff, smoky powder crystal fragments
spread the air, the tortoise approximate
climate dysfunctions sweats on my sweater neck
calibrate my figure and use a ruler
rules change, rules rule
as a magic stick the stars paints
blob blob, there goes the whole universe.
Ve.Sch - Verein für Raum und Form in der bildenden Kunst
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