Nicolas Jasmin
plays mai 68 worried, a sound improvisation
for four turntables and thousand endless grooves
Do., 12. November, ab 19h (Stagetime 21h)
im Rahmen der Ausstellung
Christoph Hinterhuber
“Selector Alois Bernsteiner”
Ausstellungsdauer: 30. Okt bis 22. Nov 2009
Nicolas Jasmin is an artist ( former known as N.I.C.J.O.B.) who works with various media, born 1967 in France and living in Vienna. He appears here as a sound performer.
Last audio-projects: ,,1+1=1, The Bastard Pop Formula - Cannibalism in Popular Music” (with Axel Stockburger)
performed at: ,,Now´s the time”, Kunsthaus Graz, 2005. ,,Lebt und Arbeitet in Wien II”, Kunsthalle Wien, 2005.
,,Abstracts of Syn”, AR/GE Kunst galerie Museum, Bolzano, 2008.