"Les Chants de Maldoror"
Les Chants de Maldoror is a book and it is based on a character called Maldoror.
Jannis Varelas
Vasilis H
A kills B
A kills B collective is a platform of creation that brings together thinkers, musicians, performers, artists, technicians, etc. Participants are encouraged to
develop specific projects or participate in certain moments of work.
A kills B
"Two stage transfer drawing (sharing a present state), after Dennis Oppenheim"
Performance by Ludwig Kittinger and Fernando Mesquita
A kills B
"Solo painting for electric guitar"
DV PAL / 22'21'' / colour / sound
Performance recorded live at ZDB / Galeria Zé dos Bois
Lisabon / April 5, 2009
Performed by Hugo Canoilas, Cara Manning, João Ferro Martins and Filipe Raposo
Image by Margarida Mendes
"fishy Installation"
by Michl Kristoferitsch & Katherina Schendl & Resi Härtel
Ve.Sch - Verein für Raum und Form in der bildenden Kunst
Öffnungszeiten: Do 19 - 24h (inkl. Clubabend),
sowie nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
Schikanedergasse 11, A-1040 Wien
+43 681 10379368