jane wayne & the pink popes
A temporary dream of reality
some hours not to be what’s called myself
forget all that built me, that killed me
enjoying the illusion of my anyself.
Norah Noizzze & Band
kommen aus Wien, Europa. Wir bedienen Schlagzeug, Keyboard, Gitarre, Bassgitarre und Stimmbänder. Und wir schreiben und spielen wegweisende Musik, auf die mensch in späteren Jahren als den Protopunk von 2013 zurückblicken wird. Seid dabei, versucht sie ruhig mal, auch schon heute! :-)
Norah Noizzze & Band are based in Vienna, Europe. We handle drums, keyboards, guitars, bass guitars and vocals. And we create and play groundbreaking music, that will be looked upon as the proto punk of 2013 in later years. Be part of it, check it out, even today! :-)
“—This is a different kind of girl band flaunting their lady mojo. Refer to their track ‘Masturbating motel’ or ‘Sitting in a hetro bar’, for a whiff. The heavy presence of the guitar and Iris’s distinctive voice captures something urban and living. ’A riff from a guitar is for me an urban sound. I like to capture the noises of the city and those who live in it, she says. This they do in their own dissatisfied, yet ironic way…”
Ether Magazine 04/2009
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