Dudes go camping

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Dienstag 27. März 2018
27. März 2018
Dudes go camping
WUK Währingerstr. 59 1090 Wien

WUK Bar, Visuals, Foley, Playback, Gig, Dance, Show, Action, Rescue Operation, Happy End
Come and see the Dudes!

Die Dudes laden vom 20. Bis 23. Februar zu ,,Dudes go camping” nach der erfolgreichen Show von Dudes I beim crossbreeds Festival ins WUK ein. In einer groben Legierung von live Musik, Playback, Slapstick- und Puppentheaterelementen begeben sich Dominik Grünbühel, Luke Baio und Mathias Koch auf eine Reise ins unbekannte Abenteuer. Nach einer turbulenten Rettungsaktion mit Helikopter kommt es in der Aftershow zum Happy End.

,,Roll out the red carpet and join the Dudes for the premiere of ,,Dudes go camping”.
Termin: 20. - 23. Februar 2010, 20:00h
WUK, Währingerstr. 59, 1090 Wien, www.wuk.at
Karten: Vorverkauf: EUR 7,00 / Abendkassa: EUR 8,00
Preis im WUK-Shop inkl. Gebühren: EUR 7,00

DUDES: A dude is an individual, typically male, particularly somebody well dressed or who has never lived outside a big city. The female equivalent, which is used less often, is “dudette.“One of the earliest books to use the word was The Home and Farm Manual, written by Jonathan Periam in 1883. In that work, Periam used the term “dude” several times to denote an ill-bred and ignorant, but ostentatious, man from the city.

GO: (verb) to move from one place to another

CAMPING: Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The participants, known as campers, leave urban areas, their home region, or civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or several nights, usually at a campsite, which may have cabins. Camping may involve the use of a tent a primitive structure, or no shelter at all.
OR CAMPING: Camping is a miserable recreational activity. The participants, known as campers, are usually Hippies, boy scouts, or middle aged men on the verge of break downs, hoping to discover themselves whilst dancing naked with other men around a campfire. Camping may involve the use of a tent, a primitive

Dudes: Luke Baio, Dominik Grünbühel Dominik

Musik: Mathias Koch

Mit: Friedrich Brühl, Markus Simon, Christian Achazi, Charlotta Ruth, Alexander Gottfarb

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