PlumberCon is a unique hacker conference targeted at security researchers, system and network operators, application developers, hardware hackers, hackerspace members, and generally open-minded folks working or participating in the broad fields between information warfare and digital art.
It will combine the knowledge of experienced security speakers, hackers, and information warriors with the fun of a small but 1337 conference at one of Vienna’s most comfy & snugly meeting locations: the WerkzeugH. Its main goal therefore is to help attendees understand the current state of art in information technology and security, and showcase projects evolved from the hackerspace movement. The official event language is English (not to be confused with Lolspeak).
After last year’s tagline, The Internet is a Series of Tubes, PlumberCon 10 will take our approach towards security, hacking and technological innovation a step further, therefore being sub-entitled:
Make A Good Hack
How ever much seriousness or amusement you bring into this, we’ll make sure you get an overview of today’s state-of-the-art technologies, insight into a bunch of the best hackers’ mindsets, and learn new things! Not only will you again have the chance to participate in workshops and the mainly security and networking-focused talks, but also get your hands on some hardware hacking, and join in to various activities, such as…
PacketWars(tm) is an intense, real-time information warfare simulation. Unlike other ‘capture the flag’ games, the battlegrounds featured in PacketWars use the same software and hardware you would encounter in the real world. This is your chance to proove your l33tness and walk the halls of fame for one night.
Save the date: July 09th - 11th 2010
The event is going to kick off with trainings, an off-site biolab workshop, and activities (including physical activity…) at Vienna’s no. 1 hackerspace, the Metalab, followed by a small party on Friday, July 09th.
Talks & workshops will be held throughout Saturday & Sunday, July 10th & 11th respectively - making it 3 days and nights of talks, trainings, hands-on workshops, epic haXX0r battles and a little partying; the perfect combination of technology, IT security, hardware hacking, art, music, socializing and good times.
The Call For Paricipation is open!
Have a talk to do with security, hacking or making you’d like to submit? Please have a look at the CFP and mail us your paper & a short bio to
Genetic Fingerprint - DNA Hacking at the VOL
Lisa Thalheim
Vienna Open Lab
Crash Course in Penetration Testing
Joe McCray
Working with Symbian
Tam Hanna
Cruel To Be Kind
Speakers’ cooking session (foodhacking, really)
Kick-off Party
Club Massiv